At Annoor Islamic School, our school vision is “Our Lord, make us leaders of the righteous”. We have set three key school-wide expectations. They are the three R’s: Reverence, Respect, and Responsibility. Reverence means to obey Allah and His Messenger, Quiet during Qur’an, and Serious in Salah. Respect means to respect people, places, and property. Responsibility means to be safe, be prepared, and be in the right place at the right time. These three R’s expectations help students become “Leaders of the Righteous”. Every month teachers select one student from their class who has consistently demonstrated the three R’s to be honored as that month’s “Leader of the Righteous”. “Leaders of the Righteous” are selected by teachers for demonstrating Reverence,
The three R’s expectations help students become “Leaders of the Righteous”. Every month, teachers select one student from their class who has consistently demonstrated the three R’s to be honored as that month’s “Leader of the Righteous”. “Leaders of the Righteous” are selected by teachers for demonstrating Reverence, Respect, and Responsibility.