School Wide Goals

Religious Skills

Goal 1 Committed Balanced Muslims


1. Correct Understanding and Knowledge of Islam

a. Students are building a solid understanding and knowledge of Islam based on authentic sources of Islam, namely the Quran and authentic Sunnah of Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him.

b. Students use the Quran as the primary source upon which all other teachings of Islam depend on.

c. Students show a solid understanding of their faith (Akidah).

d. Students demonstrate an understanding of Islam as a comprehensive and complete way of life.

e. Students are able to set priorities of the importance and weight of different concepts and aspects of Islam.

f. Students are able to study and find the relationships and connections between different sciences of Islam such as Quran, Sunnah, Sirah, etc.

2. Strong Commitment to the Practice of Islam

a. Students show good commitment to the five daily prayers. Upon completing each one, they sit down to conclude their prayer and to make the concluding dua. They also do the extra prayers as needed.

b. Students show strong abilities to recite correctly and set the memorization of the Holy Quran as a priority in their lives.

c. Students understand the meaning of what they are memorizing of the Holy Quran.

d. Students show reasonable abilities to derive lessons from the chapters of the Holy Quran they memorize.

e. Students are continuously trying to apply in their daily lives what they learn from the Holy Quran.

f. Students act like responsible citizens who ordain the good and forbid the evil.

g. Students follow Islamic manners and use words that reflect a commitment to the correct practice of Islam.

3. Strong Commitment to Moral Character and Ethics

a. Students demonstrate the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, take responsibility for personal actions, and act ethically (e.g., demonstrate honesty, fairness, integrity).

b. Students show pleasant civil behavior amongst themselves and towards others.

c. Students are aware of the intrinsic qualities, especially truthfulness and honesty, which enable them to live in peace within themselves and the world around them.

4. Balance and Moderation:

a. Students demonstrate the ability to distinguish between extremism and mainstream Islam and are maintaining a middle approach that leads to balance and moderation in their practice of Islam.

b. Students are able to accept, live with, show full respect, and cooperate with others who may differ with them in their views and beliefs regardless of their color, social position, or any other material factors.

c. Students acknowledge that there could be more than one view or solution to a certain issue or a problem.

d. Students distinguish between the fixed and the variable, the fundamentals and the branches, the goals and the means in analyzing and applying Islamic principles to their daily lives.


Academic Skills

Goal 2 Knowledgeable Scholars

The details of this general goal will be based on the six school-wide goals for student learning developed by the National Study of School Evaluation (NSSE), which was developed in cooperation with the Alliance for Curriculum Reform (ACR):


1. Learning Skills:

a. Students commit to creating quality work and striving for excellence.

b. Students use a variety of learning strategies, personal skills, and time management skills to enhance their education.

c. Students reflect on and evaluate their learning for the purpose of improvement.

2. Expanding and Integrating Knowledge:

a. Students connect knowledge and experience from different subject areas.

b. Students use what they already know to acquire new knowledge, develop new skills, and expand understanding.

c. Students demonstrate integrated knowledge and skills in applying multidisciplinary approaches to solving problems or completing tasks.

3. Communication Skills:

a. Students communicate with clarity, purpose, and understanding of the audience.

b. Students integrate the use of a variety of communication forms and a wide range of communication skills.

c. Students recognize, analyze, and evaluate various forms of communication.

4. Thinking and Reasoning Skills (Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving, and Creative Thinking):

a. Students gather and use information effectively to gain new information and knowledge, classify and organize information, support inferences and justify conclusions appropriate to the context and audience.

b. Students utilize, evaluate and refine the use of multiple strategies to solve a variety of types of problems.

c. Students generate new and creative ideas by taking considered risks in a variety of contexts.

5. Interpersonal Skills:

a. Students work with others in a variety of situations to set and achieve goals.

b. Students manage and evaluate their behavior as group members.

c. Students deal with disagreement and conflict caused by the diversity of opinions and beliefs.

6. Mastery of the Essential Knowledge and Skills:

a. Students pass school tests successfully.

b. Students finish their homework assignments and projects regularly.

c. Students pass successfully and excel in state and federal tests.


Social and Leadership Skills

Goal 3 Contributing Citizens and Community Builders


1. Actions are Driven by a Strong Philosophy

a. Students have built a strong philosophical foundation that motivates them to help others and to contribute to the success of their community, state, and nation.

b. Students respect themselves and others, understand, and appreciate the diversity and interdependence of all people.

c. Students demonstrate an understanding of and responsibility for global and environmental issues.

2. Students are Engaged in Serving their Community:

a. Students act as responsible citizens in the community, state, and nation and show full respect to the national law.

b. Students are engaged in one or more community development project.

c. Students meet and interact with other community groups and denominations to discuss matters related to community improvement at least once a semester.

3. Students are being Prepared to Become Leaders:

a. Students live under the impression that they will be leaders of their own community.

b. Students are engaged in activities that prepare them to be the future leaders of their community.

c. Students play a role in the daily or weekly affairs of their local Muslim community.

4. Students are Equipped with the Necessary Social Skills:

a. Students are continuously developing their social skills such as rules of shaking hands, smiling at others, engaging in conversation, etc.

b. Students demonstrate the ability to express themselves in public places and in front of adults with full respect and proper manners.

c. Students communicate with adults who are not known to them in a respectful manner.